About Me

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I'm a Jr. in High school her in Montana. I'll graduate in 2010. I live on a ranch, we just recently sold all of our beef cattle. so we now have about 20 head of roping cattle. we also have 3 dogs. I love to listen to country music, great movies (anything except Horrors), and hanging out with friends, family, and my boyfriend.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Response to Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"

Kelli Heath
The Lottery
Sophomore English
21 September 2007

"The Lottery" is a story full of traditions, culture, and the luck of the draw. The sacrifice that the people of the community make is a big one. Their sacrifice they make is stoning of a loved one or a close family friend. Slips of paper that are prepared the night before are put into a box and one has a black dot. People have not the slightest idea who will be picked, but they know someone will be the one. This is yes a very cruel thought that no one wishes on anyone. But this is their religion, which is done to the thought of the gods praising them with a healthy and plentiful crop. So, really yes it is a horrible thought but then on the other hand it is a tradition, their culture, and the luck of the person who may or may not get picked.

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